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Subscription Plan: This plan provides not only access to our extensive course catalog but also dedicated mentorship for content mastery and effective career planning. Please note, course completion is required before starting a new one, ensuring a solid grasp of material. The plan requires an initial R2,500 deposit, reflecting our commitment to quality education. You may cancel anytime with a month's notice. Start your learning journey today!

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Swift iOS for Beginners

The Swift iOS for Beginners course is designed to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge needed for iOS app development. Whether you're new to the field or an experienced Objective-C developer seeking to learn Swift, this comprehensive course covers a range of topics, including test-driven development and UI testing. It caters to beginners with limited experience as well as those aiming to embark on an exciting career in iOS development.

36+ Lessons | 100+ Quizzes | 100+ Flashcards | 100+ Glossary of terms

50+ Pre Assessment Questions | 50+ Post Assessment Questions |

Video Lessons
33+ Videos | 

Lesson 1: Hello iOS!

  • iOS Developer Essentials
  • Try It

Lesson 2: A Tour of Xcode and the iOS Simulator

  • The Welcome Screen
  • Creating a New Project
  • An Overview of the Xcode IDE
  • Features of the iOS Simulator
  • Try It

Lesson 3: Introducing Swift

  • Introducing Xcode Playgrounds
  • Constants and Variables
  • Data Types
  • Comments
  • Strings
  • Tuples
  • Optionals
  • Control Flow Statements
  • Control Transfer Statements
  • Try It

Lesson 4: Functions

  • Declaring Functions
  • Parameters and Return Values
  • Try It

Lesson 5: Closures

  • Function Types
  • Closure Types
  • Try It

Lesson 6: Error Handling

  • The ErrorType Protocol
  • Throwing and Catching Errors
  • Try It

Lesson 7: Object-Oriented Programming with Swift

  • Creating Classes with Swift
  • Properties
  • Methods
  • Instantiating Objects
  • Inheritance
  • Computed Properties
  • Enumerations
  • Protocols
  • Try It

Lesson 8: Supporting Multiple Device Types

  • Device Differences
  • The Universal XCode Template
  • Try It

Lesson 9: Introduction to UIKit and Adaptive Layout

  • Introducing the UIKit Framework
  • Basic Constraints
  • Previewing Your Layout
  • Creating Outlets
  • Creating Actions
  • Try It

Lesson 10: Introduction to Storyboards

  • Try It
  • Lessons 11: Handling User Input
  • Text Fields
  • Text Views
  • Try It

Lesson 12: Alert Views and Action Sheets

  • Alert Views
  • Action Sheets
  • Try It

Lesson 13: Adding Images to Your View

  • The UIImage Class
  • The UIImageView Class
  • Try It

Lesson 14: Pickers

  • Date Pickers
  • Custom Pickers
  • Try It

Lesson 15: Navigation Controllers

  • Adding a Navigation Controller to a Storyboard
  • The Navigation Controller Interface
  • Try It

Lesson 16: Table Views

  • Table View Appearance
  • Creating a Table View with Interface Builder
  • Try It

Lesson 17: Collection Views

  • Creating a Collection View with Interface Builder
  • Collection View Cells
  • Collection View Delegate and Data Source
  • Try It

Lesson 18: Tab Bars and Toolbars

  • Creating a Tab Bar Controller
  • Toolbars
  • Try It

Lesson 19: Creating Views That Scroll

  • The UIScrollView Class
  • Scroll Views and Text Fields
  • Try It

Lesson 20: Popovers and Modal Views

  • Popovers
  • Modal Views
  • Try It

Lesson 21: Touches and Gestures

  • Touch Events
  • Gesture Recognizers
  • Try It

Lesson 22: Property Lists

  • Creating Property Lists
  • Reading Property Lists
  • Try It

Lesson 23: Application Settings

  • Adding a Settings Bundle
  • Reading Preferences with Code
  • Try It

Lesson 24: Introduction to iCloud Storage

  • Basic Concepts
  • Preparing to Use the iCloud Storage APIs
  • Checking for Service Availability
  • Using iCloud Document Storage
  • Try It

Lesson 25: Introduction to CloudKit

  • Containers, Databases, and Records
  • Development and Production Environments
  • The CloudKit Dashboard
  • Preparing to Use CloudKit
  • Common Operations
  • Try It

Lessons 26: Introduction to Core Data

  • Basic Concepts
  • Adding Core Data to a Project
  • Instantiating Core Data Objects
  • Writing Managed Objects
  • Reading Managed Objects
  • Try It

Lessons 27: Consuming RESTful JSON Web Services

  • Types of Web Services
  • JSON and NSJSONSerialization
  • NSURLSession and Application Transport Security
  • Try It

Lessons 28: Social Media Integration

  • The Share Sheet
  • Try It

Lessons 29: Where Am I? Introducing Core Location

  • Permissions
  • Accuracy
  • Receiving Location Updates
  • Handling Errors and Checking Hardware Availability
  • Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding
  • Obtaining Compass Headings
  • Try It

Lessons 30: Introduction to Map Kit

  • Adding Annotations
  • Accessory Views
  • Try It

Lessons 31: Using the Camera and Photo Library

  • Selecting the Image Source
  • Presenting the Image Picker
  • Try It

Lessons 32: Introduction to User Interface Testing

  • Adding Support for UI Testing to Your Project
  • Anatomy of a Test Case
  • New Classes for UI Testing
  • Test Assertions
  • UI Recording
  • Waiting for Elements in a UI Test
  • Try It

Lessons 33: Introduction to Test Driven Development

  • Adding Support for Unit Testing to Your Project
  • TDD Techniques
  • Anatomy of a Test Case
  • Test Assertions
  • Try It

Appendix A: Testing Your App on a Device

  • Obtaining and Registering UDIDs
  • Creating an App ID (Bundle Identifier)
  • Creating a Development Certificate
  • Creating a Provisioning Profile
  • Configuring Your Project

Appendix B: Beta Testing with TestFlight

  • Preparing a Distribution Build for TestFlight
  • Internal and External Testers

Appendix C: App Store Distribution

  • Creating an Application Profile
  • Preparing and Uploading the Application Binary
  • Submitting the App for Review

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Please contact us for any queries via phone or our contact form. We will be happy to answer your questions.

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2194 South Africa
Tel: +2711-781 8014 (Johannesburg)
  +2721-020-0111 (Cape Town)

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