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    Subscription  R2,500 pm
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    • Labs: Yes
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    • Mentor Support: Yes

Subscription Plan: This plan provides not only access to our extensive course catalog but also dedicated mentorship for content mastery and effective career planning. Please note, course completion is required before starting a new one, ensuring a solid grasp of material. The plan requires an initial R2,500 deposit, reflecting our commitment to quality education. You may cancel anytime with a month's notice. Start your learning journey today!

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Foundational Python for Data Science

The Python language has a rich history and has been widely used across various industries. Its applications span diverse fields such as web development, film, government, science, and business. For those interested in gaining hands-on experience in Python for Data Science, uCertify offers the course "Foundational Python for Data Science."

It's important to note that this course is not designed to teach Python for web development or system administration purposes. Instead, its focus is on equipping learners with the Python skills essential for Data Science. While it won't delve into the broader concepts of Data Science, the course provides a comprehensive understanding of Python's role in the domain.

The course structure includes interactive lessons with knowledge checks, quizzes, flashcards, and a glossary of terms. These resources aid in building a solid foundation in Python for Data Science, allowing students to embark on their Data Science learning journey with confidence.


Lessons 1: Introduction


Lessons 2: Introduction to Notebooks

  • Running Python Statements
  • Jupyter Notebooks
  • Google Colab
  • Summary
  • Questions

Lessons 3: Fundamentals of Python

  • Basic Types in Python
  • Performing Basic Math Operations
  • Using Classes and Objects with Dot Notation
  • Summary
  • Questions

Lessons 4: Sequences

  • Shared Operations
  • Lists and Tuples
  • Strings
  • Ranges
  • Summary
  • Questions

Lessons 5: Other Data Structures

  • Dictionaries
  • Sets
  • Frozensets
  • Summary
  • Questions

Lessons 6: Execution Control

  • Compound Statements
  • if Statements
  • while Loops
  • for Loops
  • break and continue Statements
  • Summary
  • Questions

Lessons 7: Functions

  • Defining Functions
  • Scope in Functions
  • Decorators
  • Anonymous Functions
  • Summary
  • Questions

Lessons 8: NumPy

  • Installing and Importing NumPy
  • Creating Arrays
  • Indexing and Slicing
  • Element-by-Element Operations
  • Filtering Values
  • Views Versus Copies
  • Some Array Methods
  • Broadcasting
  • NumPy Math
  • Summary
  • Questions

Lessons 9: SciPy

  • SciPy Overview
  • The scipy.misc Submodule
  • The scipy.special Submodule
  • The scipy.stats Submodule
  • Summary
  • Questions

Lessons 10: Pandas

  • About DataFrames
  • Creating DataFrames
  • Interacting with DataFrame Data
  • Manipulating DataFrames
  • Manipulating Data
  • Interactive Display
  • Summary
  • Questions

Lessons 11: Visualization Libraries

  • matplotlib
  • Seaborn
  • Plotly
  • Bokeh
  • Other Visualization Libraries
  • Summary
  • Questions

Lessons 12: Machine Learning Libraries

  • Popular Machine Learning Libraries
  • How Machine Learning Works
  • Learning More About Scikit-learn
  • Summary
  • Questions

Lessons 13: Natural Language Toolkit

  • NLTK Sample Texts
  • Frequency Distributions
  • Text Objects
  • Classifying Text
  • Summary
  • Questions

Lessons 14: Functional Programming

  • Introduction to Functional Programming
  • List Comprehensions
  • Generators
  • Summary
  • Questions

Lessons 15: Object-Oriented Programming

  • Grouping State and Function
  • Special Methods
  • Inheritance
  • Summary
  • Questions

Lessons 16: Other Topics

  • Sorting
  • Reading and Writing Files
  • datetime Objects
  • Regular Expressions
  • Summary
  • Questions

Hands-on LAB Activities (Performance Labs)

Fundamentals of Python

  • Computing Leaves of an Employee
  • Calculating Expenses Using Multiple Statements


  • Performing Shared Operations
  • Adding and Removing Items
  • Performing Data Analysis

Other Data Structures

  • Accessing, Adding, and Updating Data by Using Keys
  • Performing Set Operations
  • Using Frozensets

Execution Control

  • Determining if a Person is Eligible to Vote
  • Determining Average and Grades Using Scores of Subjects
  • Computing the Factorial of a Number
  • Displaying the Number of Transactions


  • Accessing Library Data
  • Using the lambda Function


  • Visualizing Data Using the reshape Method
  • Computing Mathematical Data
  • Performing Matrix Operations on NumPy Data


  • Executing Image Processing
  • Performing Customer Analysis


  • Storing Employee Details
  • Manipulating Employee Details
  • Updating Student Data

Visualization Libraries

  • Visualizing Survey Data
  • Creating a Styling Plot
  • Analyzing Statistical Data
  • Visualizing Tips According to the Total Bill

Machine Learning Libraries

  • Modifying Data Using Transformation

Natural Language Toolkit

  • Finding the Frequency of Words

Functional Programming

  • Modifying Outer Scope
  • Changing Mutable Data

Object-Oriented Programming

  • Using Inheritance

Other Topics

  • Sorting Data
  • Demonstrating Regular Expressions

Foundational Python for Data Science is an excellent career step due to its widespread relevance and demand across various industries. As an essential programming language in the field, mastering Python equips professionals with the ability to efficiently manipulate data, build predictive models, and extract valuable insights from complex datasets. Its user-friendly syntax and extensive libraries, like Pandas and NumPy, streamline data analysis tasks. Moreover, Python's versatility extends beyond data science, allowing practitioners to explore web development, automation, and more. Embracing Foundational Python for Data Science paves the way for rewarding career opportunities and empowers individuals to play.

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2194 South Africa
Tel: +2711-781 8014 (Johannesburg)
  +2721-020-0111 (Cape Town)

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