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CompTIA PenTest+
  • Payment Options:
    Subscription  R2,500 pm
    Self-paced  R4,800
  • Inlcudes:
    • Exam Fee: Yes
    • Labs: Yes
    • Test Prep: Yes
    • Mentor Support: Yes

Subscription Plan: This plan provides not only access to our extensive course catalog but also dedicated mentorship for content mastery and effective career planning. Please note, course completion is required before starting a new one, ensuring a solid grasp of material. The plan requires an initial R2,500 deposit, reflecting our commitment to quality education. You may cancel anytime with a month's notice. Start your learning journey today!

Self-paced: Unlock your learning potential with our one-time payment option. This plan offers you access to comprehensive training manuals and supplemental materials for a period of up to 12 months, empowering you to learn at your own pace. While this option does not include mentor support, our dedicated career advisors remain readily available to guide you. Make a single investment to revolutionize your learning experience and open doors to new possibilities.

CompTIA PentTest+

Ready to dive into the exciting realm of ethical hacking and penetration testing? Introducing the CompTIA PenTest+ certification – your gateway to mastering the art of identifying and addressing security vulnerabilities.

Course Objectives

Here are some of the key topics covered in the CompTIA PenTest+ course:

  1. Planning and Scoping: You will learn how to plan and scope penetration tests, including defining the rules of engagement, identifying the target systems and networks, and gathering information about the target environment.

  2. Information Gathering and Vulnerability Identification: This involves techniques for gathering intelligence about the target, such as performing reconnaissance, scanning networks, and identifying vulnerabilities in systems, applications, and network infrastructure.

  3. Attacks and Exploits: You will learn various penetration testing methodologies and techniques for exploiting vulnerabilities. This includes understanding common attack vectors, using various tools and frameworks, and exploiting weaknesses to gain unauthorized access or privileges.

  4. Penetration Testing Tools: The course will introduce you to a range of tools used in penetration testing, such as network scanners, vulnerability scanners, password cracking tools, and exploitation frameworks.

  5. Reporting and Communication: You will learn how to effectively communicate your findings and recommendations to stakeholders, including writing comprehensive reports that highlight identified vulnerabilities, their impact, and suggested remediation steps.

  6. Legal and Compliance: The course will cover the legal and ethical considerations involved in conducting penetration tests, ensuring that you understand the rules, regulations, and industry best practices to follow during engagements.

  7. Post-Exploitation Techniques: This involves learning how to maintain access to compromised systems, escalate privileges, and perform lateral movement within a network to gain further access to sensitive information.

Who Should Pursue This Certification?

The CompTIA PenTest+ certification is perfect for individuals venturing into penetration testing and ethical hacking. Whether you're an aspiring penetration tester, security analyst, or network professional aiming to validate your skills, this certification is tailored for you. Proficiency in security fundamentals is recommended.

🔥Benefits and Beyond:

Upon certification, you'll possess the expertise to simulate real-world attacks, identify vulnerabilities, and recommend solutions, making you an invaluable asset in roles involving penetration testing and vulnerability assessment. The CompTIA PenTest+ certification not only enhances your career prospects but also showcases your dedication to maintaining robust cybersecurity measures.

Embrace the ethical hacking journey – seize the CompTIA PenTest+ certification and step confidently into the world of penetration testing, where you become a key player in fortifying digital defenses. 🔍🌐

Contact Us

Please contact us for any queries via phone or our contact form. We will be happy to answer your questions.

3 Appian Place,373 Kent Ave
2194 South Africa
Tel: +2711-781 8014 (Johannesburg)
  +2721-020-0111 (Cape Town)

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